Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Learning's Fun ~ In Grade One! April 24, 2018

We have finished up our science unit about OWLS.  Each student shared their research project with the whole class, about one type of North American owl.  We finished painting our big mural in the hallway.  It shows each of the types of owls that we studied (life-sized) and the habitat for each one.  We went to the computer lab and searched for information about each type of owl.  Our grade 5/6 reading buddies helped us with reading some of our research information. 
We had 5 questions to answer -
What does it eat?  Where does it live?  Info about nests and babies.  One interesting fact.  And what does it look like?

Our next unit is all about MAPS.

PHOTO GALLERY - Photos of our reading buddies helping us with our owl research.



A couple of photos from milk week -

Painting our life-sized owls -

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Learning's Fun ~ In Grade One! April 4, 2018

Reminders - Easter Party on Friday, April 6th
                     Snack Parents - Rascie, Reid, Sophie, Zoe

Christ is Risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Spring Break and Easter holiday.
I sent home a yellow "egg" reading log sheet for the children to use over the break plus this week.  The goal was for them to read for 10 nights and to colour in one egg for each night they read.  Please return this sheet on Friday (if possible) and they can choose a prize for a completed sheet.  If they were away or have not quite finished the 10 eggs, they can keep it for a while and bring it in when it is finished and coloured. 😊


Snowy Day in March -

Country Week - India (Thank you ladies from India's School of Dance)



Visitors from Wildlife Haven - Avro (Swainson's hawk) and Max (great-horned owl)