- Student-Led Conferences on Tuesday, Nov 26 and Wednesday, Nov 27
- Scholastic book orders due on Friday, November 29
We are finishing up our science unit about the senses with some "sensational" activities like -
taste testing, making smelly cards, making our touch booklets and playing sound BINGO.
Our term one student-led conferences will be held next week (Tuesday and Wednesday). Hopefully you have filled out the scheduling sheet and returned it to school so Mrs. Madden can make up the schedules. If not, please contact her at the office.
This conference is all about having the students share (and take some ownership of) their learning and growth, with their parents. There will be more than one family in the classroom at the same time, looking through and talking about their work portfolios. If, after the report card information and the conference evening, a parent would still like to meet with the teacher individually, please let them know and they can set up a separate time to meet. The children are very excited to share their portfolios with all of you. See you next week!
PHOTO GALLERY - Shaking sound eggs and trying to figure out what is inside.
Free Choice Time