Reminders - Report cards come home on Thursday, March 12
- Scholastic book orders due on Thursday, March 12
- NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 13
- Student-Led Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17 and 18
- Owl Visitors from Wildlife Haven on Monday, March 16 at 1:00
Our Student-Led Conferences are coming up next Tuesday and Wednesday (March 17 and 18). Please make sure you have signed up for a conference time, or call the office to arrange a time. The children are very excited to show you what we have been working on this term. If neither day works well for you, please let me know and we can arrange an alternative day.
We have started working on some "Design Process" projects in grade one. We made some baskets for Little Red Riding Hood to carry her grandmother's lunch in, using only 4 sheets of paper and masking tape. We brainstormed all the ways that we could think of, to get Humpty Dumpty down off of the wall safely (we came up with 15 different ways). We have a few more Fairy Tale projects coming up.
Our annual Country Week is coming up from March 23 - 27 (the last week before Spring Break). We have lots of activities planned. The children receive a passport and "travel" from class to class each afternoon to experience some of the culture of Greece - art, food, language, sports, mythology, architecture, music, drama, etc... If any family had some artifacts (like clothing, artwork, books, etc...) that they would be willing to share with us, please let me know.
PHOTO GALLERY - Listening to our school's own Add-On Story read by Moana (a.k.a. Mr. B)
Working on our mural.
All finished!
Examining the Festival du Voyager artifacts brought in by Mr. Tibear.
Partners with their Red Riding Hood Baskets.