Sunday, September 8, 2013

What's New Newsletter September 9 - 13, 2013

What’s New in One and Two?
Week of September 9 – 13, 2013
*Reminders – Scholastic Book orders due Friday. Sept. 13
WELCOME                                                                                                        Welcome to Grade One and Two!  Our first short week of school is complete and we are off to a great start!  This is the weekly class Newsletter.  They will be coming home each Monday (unless there is a holiday).  I will also be sending you a copy by e-mail as well as posting them on our class Blog.  We want to welcome Nathan to our class.  He is in grade 2 and has an older brother, Joel in grade 4.
Here are a couple of reminders – 
1) The children are welcome to bring a water bottle to leave on their desks.  It does need a top that closes easily and I would like them to be taken home each Friday to be washed.                                                                                      2) The children need two pairs of shoes – one to be worn inside ONLY (gym shoes) and one pair to wear outside for recess.  Even though it is dry outside, their outside shoes are still tracking in dust and grass.                                        3) If you would like your child to have a canteen card, please send $10 to school.  You can put restrictions on the card if you wish. (ie- milk only)

SUMMER MEMORY BAGS                                                                                 Your child should have brought home a large envelope on Friday with a letter explaining what is needed for their “Summer Memory Bag”.  Please place a few memory items from the summer into their bag and send it back to school sometime this week.  We will be sharing a few each day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!             Kaiden                 August  2
                                                Noah                   August 15
                                                Nathan                August 25
                                                Olivia                  September 7
                                                Jennie                September 13

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