Saturday, March 1, 2014

What's New in One and Two? March 3 - 7, 2014

*Reminders - There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 7

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!              NICK                February 25

Here is a photo of our class on "Dress-up as a Voyager" Day.  Thank you to Mrs. Christensen for organizing many of the events during the Festival du Voyager week.

Please send in your items for the We Care Kits.  We would like to present them to the CLWR (Canadian Lutheran World Relief) representatives during our chapel service soon.

Last week we had a special guest come to our school.  His name was Mr. Evans Cofie and he comes from Ghana in Africa.  He taught a number of workshops with each class during the week.  The children learned about the drums and how to play them.  He also told amazing stories complete with sound effects.  Ghana is the country we will be studying during this year's Country Week at the end of March.  Thank you Mr. Cofie and the Artists in the Schools program.

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