Saturday, October 3, 2015

What's New in One and Two? October 5 - 9, 2015

REMINDER - NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 12 - Thanksgiving

Monday - HAT DAY - Wear a hat all day in school.  Tape a loonie to the Tasks for Terry sheet.

Tuesday - WACKY DAY - Dress up in wacky clothes and wear your hair wacky.

Wednesday - PAJAMA DAY - Wear your pajamas to school.

Thursday - SPORTS DAY - Wear your "sporty" clothing - a team shirt, a Jets jersey, other sports...

Friday - SCHOOL SHIRT - Wear your school shirt for our Terry Fox Walk in the afternoon
                                            - Parents are welcome to join us on our walk
                                            - Bring back your "Tasks for Terry" sheet

We are starting our home-reading this week.  There is an information letter coming home on Monday along with a calendar/recording sheet.  Our class goal is to read 5 nights each week.  I am sending home leveled books that should be a "GOOD-FIT" for your child to start with.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!        Evan - October 7 and Ana - October 9

We have been using our flags to measure the wind strength each day (none, some or strong).  Here is a photo of our flags.

We have been learning how to use all of the Word Work Centers.

Here are a couple of reading buddies.  I wasn't able to take their photo last time.


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