Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Learning's Fun ~ In Grade One! April 23, 2019

The We Care Club is selling bags of popcorn to raise money for The Children's Hospital this Thursday, April 25.  If your child would like to buy some popcorn, you may send in $2.  If you want to send in the money earlier, I do have a list of names and a money bag on my desk (for safe-keeping).  They will be delivering the popcorn after lunch on Thursday (to eat outside at recess).  Thanks

Our class Easter party will be on Friday, April 26, during last period.
The snack parents for this party are - Shae, Zac, Mrs. Petkau, Mrs. Bennet

As part of our next social studies unit called "Connecting with Others" we will be sending letters to people in different places around Canada and asking them to send us back some information about their own community.  In order for this to work, each child needs the name and address of a family member or family friend who would be willing to participate with this activity.  If you could get in touch with someone who you think would be a good partner for your child, please ask them if we could have their name and address.  I would like it if they lived somewhere in Canada (not Winnipeg) but if you do not have anyone available, please let me know and I will find a partner for your child.
We won't be starting this project for a few weeks but please send in the name and mailing address of your child's partner as soon as you are able.

Penguin Graph - Our life-sized penguin portraits displayed in order of height (largest starting on the far left with the Emperor penguin, down and around to the smallest, the Little Blue penguin.

Happy Easter Crosses and traced hand lilies -

Step one - Clay Penguins 

Step 2 - Glaze painted penguins, ready to be fired again

Buddy Reading in baskets -

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