Monday, April 20, 2020

Learning's Fun ~ In Grade One ~ At Home ~ But Not Alone ~ April 20, 2020

PHOTO GALLERY - Thanks for all of the new photos to share!

Lennon built a giant tower out of cups.  Wow!

Lots of the kids have been asking about the guinea pigs and my pets at home so here are some photos.

Peanut and Taco are fine and eating lots of treats!  They are squeaking hello to all of you!

This is my dog Molly, taking a nap.

 And this is my other dog, Zoey.  She wants to go for a walk.

This is George my cat, looking out the window.

This is Gina, also having a nap.

And this is Gus.  Yes, I have three cats.

Jack (the storm trooper) is practising his violin.

Jack having fun outside with his brother and sister.

Lauren and her family having a winter picnic by the river.

Lauren playing in the snow.

Lauren's amazing blanket fort.

Lauren getting ready for a bike ride.

Megan has been busy doing crafts at her house. Painting a beautiful rainbow.

Megan making balloon creations.

Making cute paper cup animals.

 It's so fun to see what everyone is doing at their own house.

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