Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's New Newsletter January 7 - 11, 2013

What’s New in One and Two?

   Week of January 7 – 11, 2013

*Reminders – Fund Raising concert for the Music Dept. is on Jan. 18



THANK YOU                                                                                                                                Thank you so much for the Christmas gifts that I received from you and your children.  They were thoughtful, beautiful, delicious, and very much appreciated.  I hope all of you had a restful holiday.

GRADE ONE SPELLING HOMEWORK                                                                                                        
The grade one students are all finished the math bag games that they were taking home before Christmas.  Starting this week, they will be bringing home some spelling homework.  There are 4 pages of work that will help them practice their spelling list words.  The homework will come home on Monday and is due back at school on Friday.  Some children might need help understanding the directions at first.  Please check through the homework package and make sure it is complete (you do not have to correct it), then initial the bottom of this newsletter and have your child bring the whole package back to school.  You may want to practice the spelling words with your child during the week.  The spelling tests will be on Friday.  Let me know how the homework is going.

CHRISTMAS HAMPERS                                                                                                                   
Thank you too, for helping our class make a Christmas Hamper for one Cheer Board family in Winnipeg.  My husband and I delivered the hamper on the Saturday before Christmas and the family was very happy and grateful.  They wanted us to express their gratitude to our students and their families.

LEARNING and LIVING KITS                                                                                                     
During the month of January, we are collecting one small, simple toy (new, that does not require batteries) for our Learning and Living Kits that we are putting together for CLWR (Canadian Lutheran World Relief). 

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