Sunday, November 23, 2014

What's New in One and Two? November 24 - 28, 2014

REMINDERS - Field Trip to MTYP on Thursday, November 27
                       - NO SCHOOL on Friday, November 28

HAPPY BIRTHDAY            ANDY          November 27

Our class will be going on a field trip to the MTYP (Manitoba Theatre for Young People) at the Forks, this Thursday, November 27 in the afternoon.  The play runs from 12:30 to 2:00 pm.  The permission form will be coming home on Monday and I would like it back as soon as possible (Wednesday at the latest).

We will need parent drivers/chaperones for this trip.  If you are available to drive please fill out the related portion of the permission form.  Also, check in with the office before the day of the field trip to ensure that your license and insurance information is up to date and on file.

Here is a photo of our class with Aaron from W.I.S.E.  He led us through some activities that explored our five senses.

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