Sunday, February 22, 2015

What's New in One and Two? February 23 - 27, 2015

*Reminders - Field Trip to the Museum on Friday, February 27 in the morning
                      - Dress up as a Favourite Storybook Character on Friday
This Friday is also "Dress as your Favourite Storybook Character" Day.  If the costume is not too complicated they can wear it to school (and on the field trip).  If it is a more elaborate costume, they can bring it to school in a bag and change after we get back to school for lunch.  If you have the book where the character comes from, please send the book along to school (if not, do not worry, just the costume is fine). The "dress-up" does not have to be fancy.

We had lots of fun all week with our "Festival du Voyager" activities.  Merci to Sacha's mom for making bannock for our class.  Et merci to Mme Christensen for making pea soup and organizing the eventful week.  We danced some jigs, played the spoons, played voyager relays, sang songs, dressed up and made crafts.  Leo le Tuque came to visit and we wove our own "ceinture fleche" (red sashes).
Here are some photos -

Our unit about bears is almost complete.  We have all learned so much about bears (me too!) and about what they need to live, where they live, and their similarities and differences.  We painted two life sized bears - the biggest, the polar bear and the smallest, the sun bear.  We made our own bear art pictures in the style of Eric Carle's "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" book.  These are posted on the hallway bulletin board.  We also started our bear habitat dioramas.
Here are some photos of our bears.


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