Monday, October 6, 2014

What's New in One and Two? October 6 - 10, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!     Evan      October 7

We have had such a busy first month.

Hopefully, everyone is understanding how the home reading log works.  Parents need to initial the date box for each night of home reading, and list the books read.  I am keeping track of the number of nights the children do home reading.  Our goal is 5 times per week (or more).  The children are supposed to exchange their books in the morning, when needed.  If they are forgetting, please let me know and I can help them choose new "good fit" books.  They do not need to pick new books every night.  Re-reading books is the best way to practice important literacy skills like fluency, rhythm, speed and expression.

Here are 2 photos of our class on Terry Fox Day, wearing our hats.

Here are a few photos of our class at the snake pits.

We are working on our new science unit about the senses.  We started with SIGHT and have done lots of colour mixing.  Their handprint paint-mixing pictures are posted on the hallway bulletin board.  Take a look!

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