Sunday, April 24, 2016

What's New in One and Two? April 25 - 29, 2016

We have finished our design projects for this year.  Our last project was to build a new bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff (with no troll).  The bridges needed to be strong enough to hold up the three goats for 10 seconds and reach across a span of 30 cm (longer than the length of one piece of spaghetti).  They could use only white glue and spaghetti and a wooden block at each end.  I am delighted to report that all of the bridges held up!

We had a very special guest last week.  It was Finley's new baby sister, Fiona (and mom too).  Finley's mom and I are creating our own version of  the "Roots of Empathy" program which aims to promote empathy in children by watching the growth in a baby and caring about her development.  We read a book about being happy with who you are and wrote down our questions about the baby.  We tried to figured out what she was able to do at 1 month of age and what she could not do yet.  Our plan is to have her visit every 3 weeks or so and watch her grow.  Thank you very much Mrs. Culley and Finley for sharing your time and your baby with our class.

For our final social studies unit we will be studying the aboriginal people from the Northwest Coast of Canada.  Especially taking a look at how they lived long ago and their art.
I have booked a field trip to Oak Hammock Marsh in June (Friday the 24).  It will be an all day trip and we will need drivers and chaperones.  If anyone is interested, I am hoping that this early notification will give parents time to book off of work if needed.  I will let you know about any other planned field trip dates as soon as I know.  Thanks.

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