Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Learning's Fun ~ In Grade One! January 17, 2017

Reminders - Scholastic Book orders are due by Friday, January 20, 2017
We are continuing our social studies unit about "Our Community".  Soon we will be building our own mini-community called "BOXTOWN".  Please send your clean recyclables to school this week to use in our building project.  (cereal boxes, paper towel tubes, plastic bottles, etc...)  Thanks.

This week we have been learning about The Magic "e" who makes the short vowels l-o-n-g and say their names.  The children are encouraged to use this reading TOOL as a strategy when sounding out challenging words.  (hop becomes hope, fin becomes fine, etc...)  Please talk about this TOOL when it occurs in the books that your child reads at home.

Last week we started to talk about the next element of art, which is SHAPE (after line and colour).  We learned that there are two kinds of shapes - geometric (circles, squares,..) and organic (natural). We made a collaborative mural, where everyone worked together to create one big piece of art.  We started out drawing different kinds of shapes for 3 minutes and then changed places and drew for another 3 minutes.  Next we drew connecting lines and then filled some shapes and spaces with patterns and continued to switch spots every 3 minutes.  Finally we painted our mural.  It is hanging up on our hallway bulletin board.  Please stop by and take a look. 






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